
  • Justice Committee's Ogden advice raises fear of further delay

    30 November 2017

    MPs have told the government it must face the "real world" when implementing the new personal injury discount rate. But its recommendations may cause more delay to the process, and pain for insurers as the industry tussles with making appropriate assumptions. Paul Walsh reports

  • Blockchain confronts the valley of death

    29 November 2017

    Blockchain technology has proven applications in the insurance sector, but can it fulfil its promise to revolutionise the business? Paul Walsh investigates the questions around standards, costs and risks for this emerging technology

  • CROs discuss - do we even need a risk team?

    24 November 2017

    Ensuring an appropriate risk culture is an important but sometimes hazy activity for a risk team. At InsuranceERM's recent conference, a group of CROs discussed some of the issues and challenges they face in achieving a good risk culture

  • Economic capital: the solution to two big insurance problems

    23 November 2017

    Using economic capital metrics makes for better business decisions and improves the wider understanding of profitability in the insurance sector. The opportunity is not to be missed, argue Gez Llanaj and Assad Shah

  • Eiopa's Fausto Parente: convergence is the remedy for regulatory arbitrage

    21 November 2017

    The executive director of the EU's insurance authority discusses its new powers, Brexit, supervisory convergence, insurtech and sustainability in this interview with Christopher Cundy

  • Insurers downbeat on proposed Solvency II reforms

    10 November 2017

    Eiopa has completed its first major review of Solvency II and, on the biggest issues, its proposals have not gone down well. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Cyber risk: a practical approach to making risk-based decisions

    07 November 2017

    Insurers need a joined-up approach to managing cyber risk if they are to make the most of digital opportunities while avoiding the threats of cyber attacks and data loss. Crowe Horwath's Justin Elks proposes four steps to achieve this

  • A transparent approach to the SFCR

    02 November 2017

    Denmark's Industriens Pensionsforsikring went the extra mile in completing its solvency and financial condition report (SFCR), providing historical data and putting the quantitative information into context. David Walker asks chief risk officer Pernille Jul Overby why she opted for more work

  • IAIS faces fresh debate on systemic risk – and clash on capital standard

    31 October 2017

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week comes amid a renewed debate about systemic risk in insurers and big questions about the deadlines for developing a global capital standard. Christopher Cundy reports

  • NN's Jan-Hendrik Erasmus: "the key issue is how to embrace technology"

    26 October 2017

    NN Group's chief risk officer discusses with David Walker how the Dutch insurer is positioned for M&A, why Solvency II does not need to change, longevity risk hedging and today's technology and cyber challenges