
  • Generating return in a cold climate

    03 May 2013

    Low interest rates are prompting insurers to look to further afield in their hunt for yield. For those with resources and dedication, two major areas of focus right now are corporate loans and infrastructure lending. But are these the assets of the future that many say they are? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Solvency II: ignoring society?

    30 April 2013

    The role insurers play in our society has not been considered in Solvency II, but it's a pivotal question and one the legislation must answer if it's to succeed in its present form, says Colin Murray

  • Delivering on pillar 3 reporting

    26 April 2013

    The reporting element of Solvency II has been brought back into insurers' minds by recent regulatory developments. In a SAS/InsuranceERM webinar, HSBC UK and Gjensidige explained how they are going about it. Christopher Cundy reports

  • On the road to common standards for group capital

    24 April 2013

    A recent Geneva Association report revealed some surprises in the capital management of global insurance groups - and a reluctance to rush towards global standards. Co-author Kathrin Hoppe explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Separating country risks from national finances

    19 April 2013

    The use of sovereign ratings as a stand-in for country risk is proving problematic for many insurers and credit analysts, say Marcel Heinrichs and Ivelina Stanoeva

  • A strategy to suit each point in the insurance cycle

    17 April 2013

    Choosing a strategy to cope with the ups and downs of the business cycle has been an enduring quest for insurers. Alice Underwood and Dave Ingram offer a solution

  • Insurance products need more flexibility as longevity increases

    11 April 2013

    A population living longer but not in good health could spell disaster for the UK economy, and insurers need to be better prepared, said Leslie Mayhew and Nigel Cooke in their speeches at the Nicholas Barbon lecture. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Eqecat's Paul Little: client expectations are rising

    09 April 2013

    Paul Little says his promotion to president of catastrophe modelling firm Eqecat was unexpected, but his experience in the sales side of the business, as well as 25 years in reinsurance broking, stand him in good stead to take the helm and focus on efforts to be "at the forefront of transparency," he tells Lorna Davies

  • How to automate spreadsheet processes

    03 April 2013

    Insurers can reduce costs and errors with new spreadsheet-specific workflow technology, while avoiding any impact on the spreadsheet logic, as Adrian Maconick explains

  • Lloyd's Solvency II 'soft landing' is ICAS+ and a little bit more

    22 March 2013

    Lloyd's of London has been in the vanguard of regulators when it comes to Solvency II preparations, sticking to a strict timetable with little leeway. It's now relaxed its plans after numerous delays to the directive, but is still forging ahead of the regulators. Lorna Davies reports