Painting women back into the picture
23 May 2024Lockton's Clarissa Franks explains how a partnership with Tate Britain highlights the parallels between the challenges faced by women in the arts and in the insurance industry. Joshua Geer reports
ClimateWise refreshes principles as insurance sector plots net-zero transition
21 May 2024The 17-year-old climate change initiative is evolving in response to market developments. Programme director Sid Miller explains the changes to Christopher Cundy and why they matter
The insurance implications of a US presidential election
17 May 2024Polarised politics, civil disorder and cyber-attacks are just some of the concerns insurance experts have raised about the build-up to the November election and its outcome. Paul Walsh reports
Peter Bosshard's parting message to insurers: tell your grandkids you did the right thing
16 May 2024As he heads into retirement, the veteran campaigner talks to Joshua Geer about climate activism and how insurers are managing the low-carbon transition
Solvency II risk margin reform liberates at least £13bn of capital for UK insurers
13 May 2024InsuranceERM analysis of top 20 insurers reveal companies with largest savings
Cyber risk is systematically priced in the capital markets: evidence from the Target cyber-attack
09 May 2024In the second part of their article on quantifying and pricing cyber risk, Tim Freestone and Malcolm McLelland respond to reader queries and share further proof of their theory
The emission cost of disasters: a new class of transition risks?
07 May 2024Post-disaster reconstruction comes at a heavy environmental cost - and there are questions over who is responsible for paying. But the risk is as much an opportunity for insurers, as Manuel Lonfat explains
Full steam ahead for US bulk annuity market
02 May 2024The rapidly growing US market for pension liabilities offers great potential for life insurers. However, there are concerns that litigation and regulatory changes could derail the progress achieved. Ronan McCaughey explains
Ascot's Steve Guijarro: when to stay old school, or go new school
30 April 2024Ascot's US chief risk officer and group head of exposure management Steve Guijarro talks to Paul Walsh about the fundamentals needed to address extreme weather, the "low hanging fruit" of AI and private equity's increasing influence on insurance
Insurers get FIT after ditching the NZIA
25 April 2024From the ashes of the NZIA, a new Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero (FIT) has emerged, promising to lead the industry's climate agenda. FIT chair Butch Bacani talks to Joshua Geer about the forum's mission and objectives