
  • EU insurers don't need pressure to act on climate, says Uniqa chief

    04 February 2021

    Andreas Brandstetter says transition to low-carbon economy must be "super fast"

  • Eiopa's Bernardino calls for centralised supervision and disclosure revolution

    04 February 2021

    Insurers agree on need for better consumer disclosures, but reject EU-wide supervisor idea

  • USAA hires Neeraj Singh as CRO

    04 February 2021

    Singh will manage the strategic direction of company risk

  • We're only halfway through Covid-19 losses, says Chubb CEO

    04 February 2021

    Greenberg says more hits to come on business interruption and deteriorating credit environment

  • Solvency II performed well during Covid-19, but challenges persist

    04 February 2021

    Fitch event panellists discussed Solvency II, Covid-19 and post-pandemic recovery

  • Local authorities in Australia call for national natcat reinsurance programme

    04 February 2021

    Recent report warned of unaffordability and unavailability of cover north of Tropic of Capricorn

  • Disciplinary charges against IFoA critics dismissed

    03 February 2021

    Disciplinary Tribunal Panel drops second case after IFoA withdraws action

  • Hong Kong insurers seek changes to matching adjustment proposals

    03 February 2021

    Eligibility rules more complicated than Solvency II's MA, say investment chiefs

  • Capital in-flows and regulation remain threats to insurer dividends

    02 February 2021

    But investment bank Berenberg predicts sector dividends will increase by over 8% in 2021

  • Chinese executives will have pay cut for solvency breaches

    02 February 2021

    New rules outlined by CBIRC for under-capitalised underwriters