
  • Life ILS markets feel the heat from high rates

    29 May 2024

    It has been a tough period for the life insurance-linked securities (ILS) market, afflicted by higher interest rates and unexpected losses. But participants are hopeful of a revival, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Grant Thornton: AI shunned by general insurers for capital modelling

    23 May 2024

    Igloo was cited as the most popular platform for capital modelling by UK non-life insurers

  • Lloyd's US general liability book concerns "not just noise", says market chief

    16 May 2024

    Patrick Tiernan described the situation surrounding the line as "sub-optimal"

  • Swiss Re to exit its iptiQ embedded insurance business

    16 May 2024

    The reinsurer says it is no longer the best owner of the business

  • IFoA taskforce flags impact of MA attestation reporting inconsistencies

    15 May 2024

    The matching adjustment reforms in the UK are due to become effective by 30 June

  • German life business in "silent run-off" as growth stalls

    15 May 2024

    Back-book consolidation trend to continue despite cancelled Zurich and Axa deals, says rating agency analyst

  • South Korean insurers' solvency ratios improve under transitional measures

    14 May 2024

    The regulatory capital the industry required under KIC-S rules decreased by KRW 4.1trn

  • Solvency II risk margin reform liberates at least £13bn of capital for UK insurers

    13 May 2024

    InsuranceERM analysis of top 20 insurers reveal companies with largest savings

  • Cyber risk is systematically priced in the capital markets: evidence from the Target cyber-attack

    09 May 2024

    In the second part of their article on quantifying and pricing cyber risk, Tim Freestone and Malcolm McLelland respond to reader queries and share further proof of their theory

  • Wesleyan names James Needham as chief actuary

    07 May 2024