
  • Lloyd's US general liability book concerns "not just noise", says market chief

    16 May 2024

    Patrick Tiernan described the situation surrounding the line as "sub-optimal"

  • IFoA taskforce flags impact of MA attestation reporting inconsistencies

    15 May 2024

    The matching adjustment reforms in the UK are due to become effective by 30 June

  • South Korean insurers' solvency ratios improve under transitional measures

    14 May 2024

    The regulatory capital the industry required under KIC-S rules decreased by KRW 4.1trn

  • Solvency II risk margin reform liberates at least £13bn of capital for UK insurers

    13 May 2024

    InsuranceERM analysis of top 20 insurers reveal companies with largest savings

  • Wesleyan names James Needham as chief actuary

    07 May 2024
  • EU authorities forecast challenging outlook for insurers in 2024

    01 May 2024
  • Italian life lapses are persistently high, but insurers' liquidity remains sound

    01 May 2024

    Banca D'Italia report says firms are reducing reinvestment of maturing securities

  • S&P: Iran-Israel conflict unlikely to erupt into full-scale Middle East war

    17 April 2024

    The rating agency says Emea insurers are not currently materially affected by the conflict, but risks remain

  • Aspen and Pimco form casualty-focused re/insurance vehicle

    16 April 2024
  • Life reinsurers spy a goldmine in Asia

    02 April 2024

    A $3trn market is waiting to be tapped and asset-intensive reinsurers are priming themselves to be there, as Sarfraz Thind reports