Eiopa reveals near-€500bn growth in industry eligible own funds under Solvency II
07 June 2024Rate of growth is almost double expansion of capital requirement since Q3 2016
Grant Thornton: AI shunned by general insurers for capital modelling
23 May 2024Igloo was cited as the most popular platform for capital modelling by UK non-life insurers
Lloyd's US general liability book concerns "not just noise", says market chief
16 May 2024Patrick Tiernan described the situation surrounding the line as "sub-optimal"
IFoA taskforce flags impact of MA attestation reporting inconsistencies
15 May 2024The matching adjustment reforms in the UK are due to become effective by 30 June
South Korean insurers' solvency ratios improve under transitional measures
14 May 2024The regulatory capital the industry required under KIC-S rules decreased by KRW 4.1trn
Solvency II risk margin reform liberates at least £13bn of capital for UK insurers
13 May 2024InsuranceERM analysis of top 20 insurers reveal companies with largest savings
Wesleyan names James Needham as chief actuary
07 May 2024 -
EU authorities forecast challenging outlook for insurers in 2024
01 May 2024 -
Italian life lapses are persistently high, but insurers' liquidity remains sound
01 May 2024Banca D'Italia report says firms are reducing reinvestment of maturing securities
S&P: Iran-Israel conflict unlikely to erupt into full-scale Middle East war
17 April 2024The rating agency says Emea insurers are not currently materially affected by the conflict, but risks remain