
  • Apac re/insurers welcome the alternative

    29 December 2021

    Regulators in Asia have been busy creating frameworks for insurers to transfer risk to capital markets investors. Re/insurers are keen to tap this alternative source of capital, if the structures are right. David Walker reports

  • Risk transfer platform secures $15m to fund expansion

    23 November 2021

    Israel-headquartered Vesttoo uses AI in risk-transfer process

  • Just Group slashes debt costs with first sustainable RT1 bond issue

    17 September 2021

    UK life insurer pioneers "green" contingent convertible debt

  • COMMENT: From greenwashing to green thinking

    20 April 2021

    Catastrophe reinsurance and ILS are being pitched as ESG investment opportunities, but not everything is as green as it seems. While the data needed to make a judgement is scant, the industry can make progress, argues Tom Johansmeyer

  • Pacific Life Re issues $800m green bond

    20 April 2021

    The reinsurer says it is the largest ESG debt offering from a US life insurer so far

  • Eiopa lowers assessment of insurers' risk exposures

    10 November 2020

    But the supervisory body says concerns remain

  • Munich Re prepares to issue green bonds

    15 September 2020

    German reinsurer set to join Generali, CNP Assurances and others in issuing green debt

  • Scor raises €300m of tier 2 debt

    11 September 2020

    French reinsurer takes advantage of low rates to raise capital

  • Hong Kong proposes restrictions on ILS sales

    04 September 2020

    Insurance Authority sets scope for eligible investors and minimum investment threshold

  • Big risks and opportunities puts reinsurance sector into balance - AM Best

    02 September 2020

    Rating agency maintains stable outlook amid counterweighing forces