
  • "Signals of change" could pressurise commercial insurers, warns KPMG

    01 August 2022

    KPMG said the sector "should not stand still" in the face of challenges

  • Scor hit with near €240m loss in H1

    28 July 2022

    Natural catastrophes, Ukraine war and Covid-19 took their toll on the French reinsurer

  • Czech insurers awaken to digitalisation

    18 July 2022

    Paul Walsh reports from Prague on the opportunities and risks for underwriters in the historically conservative Czech Republic market

  • Widening spreads hit UK motor insurers' solvency ratios

    07 July 2022

    Investment bank Jefferies says market dynamics are impeding UK motor insurers

  • Covid-19 to have marginal impact on future mortality improvements, say UK insurers

    30 June 2022

    Situation is still evolving, warns Continuous Mortality Investigation

  • Swiss Re CRO urges focus on "slow-burning" risks

    16 June 2022

    Patrick Raaflaub warned long-term emerging risks can often go unnoticed

  • Taiwanese non-life insurers may face capital hit as Covid-19 surges

    15 June 2022

    S&P Global had previously downgraded some Taiwanese non-life firms

  • Brace for another Covid wave, UK insurers told

    14 June 2022

    The Covid-19 Actuaries Response Group says hospital admissions with Covid are rising sharply

  • Hanfa's Ilijana Jeleč: Croatian insurers face a challenging year

    13 June 2022

    Ahead of hosting the IAIS Global Seminar this week, Croatia's insurance regulator Ilijana Jeleč talks Sarfraz Thind about developing the market in this land of a thousand islands

  • Insurers at danger of underpricing risk if post-Covid growth means price competition

    08 June 2022

    Asian industry heads urge CROs to view inflation risk through appropriate lens