
  • Adopting the new insurance IFRS

    20 November 2013

    There is enough clarity about the final form of the new accounting standard for insurance contracts for firms to begin their transition. Francesco Nagari outlines the tasks required - and warns of the heavy workload ahead

  • Caution: capital models at work

    06 November 2013

    The prospect of Solvency II led many insurers to spend millions building internal capital models and the time has come to make them work for the business. But basing strategy on a tool that has been developed primarily with compliance in mind is not without risk, as Rob Collinson explains

  • Efficient asset allocation with least squares Monte Carlo

    23 October 2013

    Traditional methods of allocating assets fall short in several key aspects. In this paper, Romain Lombardo and Alexis Bailly show how the LSMC approach can be used to optimise asset allocation for insurers in a Solvency II world

  • How to develop multi-year capital projections for the ORSA

    29 August 2013

    Solvency II firms have a lot to do to develop their modelling capabilities into a multi-period capital projections. This is why Craig Turnbull and Andy Frepp recommend insurers invest in statistically robust multi-period capital proxy functions such as least-squares Monte Carlo

  • How the matching adjustment helps insurers in a crisis

    28 February 2013

    Daily solvency monitoring offers valuable insights into an insurers' risk profile and its regulatory capital requirements – and demonstrates the potential power of the matching adjustment. Matthew Cocke, Russell Osman and Russell Ward explain

  • Using least-squares Monte Carlo in a multi-year context

    19 February 2013

    A year ago on this site, Michael Leitschkis and Mario Hoerig explained the advantages of least-squares Monte Carlo (LSMC) over other proxy modelling techniques for estimating capital. Here, with Florian Ketterer and Christian Bettels, they describe how to extend a one-year application of LSMC to scenarios of several years

  • Searching for the right proxy approaches to life

    29 January 2013

    Care has to be taken in using replicating portfolio techniques, least-squares Monte Carlo approaches and curve fitting for estimating the risk capital of a life insurer, as Tigran Kalberer and Zeljko Strkalj explain