
  • MAS's Daniel Wang on Singapore's insurance challenge

    04 December 2023

    The head of the insurance department at the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) talks to Sarfraz Thind about tackling global risks and how the country is leveraging its climate expertise to shine on the world stage

  • Fitch becomes latest to warn of PE insurer-driven illiquid asset risks

    28 November 2023

    Rating agency follows IAIS and IMF in talking about US illiquid and alternative asset risk

  • Italian life policy lapses remain stubbornly high

    27 November 2023

    Latest data from Banca d'Italia also shows unit-linked premiums down 33% in H1

  • "Significant potential risks" in funded reinsurance require new rules, says PRA [UPDATED]

    16 November 2023

    UK's Prudential Regulation Authority consults on expectations around use of such contracts

  • 777 Re's credit rating downgraded on ERM and asset weaknesses

    10 November 2023

    AM Best concerned by Bermudian life reinsurer investing in affiliate holdings

  • IAIS 2023: "I like insurance because it has the best data"

    10 November 2023

    Keynote speaker Keiko Honda asks if insurers could sell their data to others

  • EY: Workforce upskilling lags behind insurers' ambitions for AI

    25 October 2023

    Research by the consultancy found the majority of surveyed insurers are actively investing in AI

  • UK's MA reforms: a fixation on attestation

    24 October 2023

    What do the PRA's proposed requirements for attesting matching adjustment benefits mean for insurers, and will it stop them investing in wider assets? Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • Timeline narrows to reach agreement on Retail Investment Strategy

    24 October 2023

    Divergent views from MEPs, but RIS rapporteur pledges to build consensus on the issue

  • EBA's stance on climate risk capital poses questions for insurance sector

    13 October 2023

    EU banking authority's recommendations come ahead of Eiopa's analysis