
  • RGA rebounds despite negative investment return

    25 July 2014

    Europe contributes to 7% net premium increase

  • Philips pension fund agrees £300m buy-in with Prudential

    25 July 2014

    Deal provides further fillip for bulk annuity market

  • Irish lifers not up to scratch with Solvency II reporting

    22 July 2014

    Milliman survey exposes low levels of preparedness for pillar 3

  • European insurers see embedded values rise

    17 July 2014

    New business aiding recovery says Milliman

  • Insurers denounce excessive restrictions on the use of USPs

    14 July 2014

    Insurance Europe accuses regulators of going beyond Solvency II text

  • Swiss Re catalogues 26 new emerging risks

    08 July 2014

    Deflation, cloud security and e-cigarettes make the list

  • BT bypasses intermediaries in record longevity swap

    07 July 2014

    Deal confirms increasing popularity of pension de-risking transactions

  • Beleaguered German insurers off the hook for reserve sharing

    03 July 2014

    The government is looking at reforms to counteract the continuing low interest rate environment. Hugo Coelho investigates

  • PRA to intervene in annuities reform

    02 July 2014

    Engages in dialogue with industry over response to rules overhaul

  • UK life insurers expect profits to fall

    30 June 2014

    CBI/PwC survey reveals continuing concern over flat investment income