
  • Japan steps forward with ICS-based capital framework

    20 July 2022

    Japan is midway through development of a new capital framework that takes its lead from the Insurance Capital Standard. This should make it a beacon for international prudential rules, as the FSA's Shigeru Ariizumi explains to Sarfraz Thind

  • ALM and capital management under Hong Kong's RBC

    07 July 2022

    Richard Chan, Hong Kong chief investment officer and Asia head of ALM at Axa, discusses Hong Kong's forthcoming risk-based capital regime and how insurers will respond

  • Reinsurance helps unlock the C-Ross puzzle

    28 March 2022

    As risk-based capital regimes such as China's C-Ross are implemented in Asia, insurers will be looking at options for capital management including reinsurance, as Hugo Choi explains to David Walker

  • New Zealand regulator shows compromise on actuaries' proposed roles

    22 March 2022

    RBNZ did want solvency, outsourcing and conduct insights from appointed actuaries

  • Creating C-Ross

    15 March 2022

    DWS's Ellen Yang can fairly claim unique insight into the development of China's prudential regulation. She talks to David Walker about her involvement and the impact of the Phase II rules

  • Intact happy with IAIG label

    07 February 2022

    Impact of being designated as internationally active insurer is "extremely limited"

  • IAIS to focus on climate change, systemic risk and ICS

    18 January 2022

    Supervisors' association outlines priorities for next two years

  • We prefer to keep IFRS 17 annual cohorts in Asia, says Generali

    12 January 2022

    The insurer's IFRS 17/9 programme manager for the Asia Region shares his insights

  • Australian regulator rejects internal models in revised capital framework

    13 December 2021

    Revision prompted by introduction of AASB 17 accounting standard

  • Call for New Zealand to align interim capital rules with IFRS 17 in 2023

    13 October 2021

    The interim solvency standard is part of a two-phase review by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand