
  • Data governance is vital focus for industry

    15 May 2013

    London conference will address issues around data management and the demands of Solvency II

  • Bermuda pressing on regardless of Solvency II

    15 May 2013

    Bermuda's efforts to improve its supervision of insurance companies have suffered few setbacks, unlike in Europe. Craig Swan, managing director of supervision at the Bermuda Monetary Authority, tells Lorna Davies how the country will this year introduce new rules for captives, group capital requirements and internal models

  • Asian solvency reforms - part 1

    10 May 2013

    Asian insurance markets have been growing fast, in terms of both their size and sophistication, and national supervisors are responding to the international pressure to improve their prudential regulatory regimes. Developments in Hong Kong, China and Singapore are covered in this first part

  • Credit ratings hinge on response to regulation, not regulation itself

    09 May 2013

    Complex capital adequacy models may not avoid another crisis, says Moody's

  • On the road to common standards for group capital

    24 April 2013

    A recent Geneva Association report revealed some surprises in the capital management of global insurance groups - and a reluctance to rush towards global standards. Co-author Kathrin Hoppe explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Regulatory change in Asia Pacific presents "big opportunity"

    19 April 2013

    Insurers must engage management and the board, says KPMG

  • Diverse ERM approaches benefit insurance market

    19 April 2013

    Geneva Association interviews CROs to inform ComFrame discussion

  • Obama administration moots Nafta insurance agreement

    16 April 2013

    Seen as building North American coalition for talks on international regulations

  • South Africa's SAM regime delayed again

    12 April 2013

    Solvency II-like directive has technical issues

  • NAIC releases white paper on life insurance

    05 April 2013

    Focuses on SMI, ERM and corporate governance