
  • Keeping faith in credit ratings

    16 June 2015

    Insurers can no longer blindly trust credit ratings, but must have frameworks to assess the suitability of both internal and external ratings. Sarah Wall explains what is required

  • IAG cuts capital need by A$700m with Berkshire deal

    16 June 2015

    Australian group signs 20% quota-share with Buffett's Berkshire

  • Prudent person "no less challenging" than internal model application

    15 June 2015

    Standard Life's Forrester spells out implications for insurers' investment strategies

  • Canadian supervisor probes risk transfer

    12 June 2015

    Offshore reinsurance is being used to reduce capital retention

  • Prudence is key to avoid cyber market perils

    12 June 2015

    Success in cyber market demands risk-averse underwriting, says S&P

  • Central Bank of Ireland lacks powers to regulate insurers, says official

    11 June 2015

    Cyril Roux cites disjointed nature of enforcement powers

  • Prudential secures largest annuity buy-in of 2015 at £680m

    11 June 2015

    LCP advises trustee on the deal

  • RAA president urges progress on Solvency II equivalence

    11 June 2015

    US-based reinsurers could be at a disadvantage

  • Bug-fix increases benefit of Solvency II adjustments

    11 June 2015

    Fundamental spreads of long-dated bonds cut by dozens of basis points, says Nomura

  • Reyes replaces Lehmann as Zurich's CRO

    11 June 2015

    Lehmann leaves Swiss insurance group after 20 years