
  • MS&AD revises outsourcing policy to avoid abuse of power

    03 June 2024
  • Ukraine has lost 34 insurers since Russian invasion began

    31 May 2024

    The National Association of Insurers of Ukraine gives an update on the region's insurers

  • Irish insurers warn of negative impact from Italian draft regulation on life insurance

    31 May 2024

    The trade association said the proposals would undermine EU single market freedoms

  • EU's regulatory failings highlighted at Insurance Europe conference

    31 May 2024

    Insurers tell EU to use existing rules, rather than add new ones

  • Prioritise delivering the capital markets union, insurers demand

    31 May 2024

    Insurance Europe says the CMU will boost investment and growth

  • Nine insurance associations file lawsuit against DoL fiduciary rule

    31 May 2024

    The trade bodies criticise "arbitrary and capricious" ruling which will harm consumer choice on income and annuity products

  • Japan's FSA publishes update on next solvency regime, and 2023 field testing

    31 May 2024

    The Financial Services Agency is preparing for new solvency rules from the 2025 fiscal year

  • CROs' secrets of success for managing third-party and digital risks

    31 May 2024

    Risk experts explain how insurers can improve operational and third-party risk management, what works for them, and the impact of new regulations in this area. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • PCAF hits 23 members as three more insurers join carbon accounting group

    30 May 2024

    Eight of the members have made a GHG disclosure

  • Climate change risks insurance model's viability, warns Ageas CEO

    30 May 2024

    Insights from the Insurance Europe international conference in Helsinki