Moody's upgrades Dutch life insurer outlook on pension buyout boost
14 February 2025Country's pension reforms offer life insurers strong opportunity, says rating agency
California's insurers pay almost $7bn in fire claims so far, Ricardo Lara announces
14 February 2025Disaster has already cost insurers over half their $12.5bn bill from the 2018 Camp fire
Athene's CEO calls for "America first" regulation that stops Cayman Islands competition
13 February 2025Jim Belardi believes Trump administration could improve life insurance rules
German insurers recorded strong premium growth in 2024
13 February 2025The German Insurance Association (GDV) is confident about 2025 and expects premium growth of 5.3% for this year
Malta regulator's IFRS 17 review finds data quality challenge for insurers
13 February 2025The Malta Financial Services Authority said IFRS 17 may also have impacted underwriting strategies
AIG considers cat exposure rethink after California wildfires
13 February 2025The insurer said it limited losses from the fires to around $500m.
Coastal natural habitats can reduce flood loss frequency by up to 65%
13 February 2025Swiss Re report outlines the significant impact of biodiversity on flood risk
IAG nearly doubles H1 net earnings on Covid BI release and benign weather
13 February 2025Suncorp also paid less for natcats than it expected
Eiopa consults on AI governance and risk management
12 February 2025The deadline for the submission of comments is 12 May
European Commission unveils 2025 work programme with insurance implications
12 February 2025Competitiveness compass, single market and FiDA among key initiatives