Omnibus II vote brought forward as negotiations make progress
12 September 2013All sides keen to reach agreement, says Peter Skinner MEP
Swiss investment fund to provide regulatory capital to smaller insurers
12 September 2013Twelve Capital sees opportunity in banks' withdrawal from lending
Data repository and reporting solution released by SherLutions
11 September 2013Driven by pending Solvency II regulations
Solvency II readiness assessment tool launched
10 September 2013Milliman product aims to support compliance and planning for the new regime
Reinsurers and brokers steeled for "post-convergence" markets
10 September 2013The rise of alternative capital has been the talking point at this year's reinsurance Rendez-vous in Monte Carlo. The $45bn currently in play could double in next three years, but what will be the effect on pricing and how reinsurers and brokers operate? Christopher Cundy reports
Economic scenarios "not worth trying to model"
10 September 2013Gen Re and Hiscox CEOs criticise use of ESGs
Insurance IT spending to top $100bn by 2017
10 September 2013Asia-Pacific life insurance will see the most rapid growth, says Ovum
Asta reshuffles management
09 September 2013Visesh Gosrani becomes CRO of AMA
Nakama Re issues $300m Japan earthquake bond
09 September 2013First bond sponsored directly by Zenkyoren
Scor's €50m internal model at heart of new strategy
09 September 2013Chairman Denis Kessler says firm is operating in Solvency II environment