
  • NN Group develops coal exclusionary underwriting criteria

    29 May 2019

    The Dutch insurer’s coal policy aims to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy

  • Mapfre's new coal underwriting policy leaves environmentalists to question more

    12 March 2019

    Spanish insurer will stop insuring new coal projects

  • Coface prepares internal model to mitigate Solvency II reforms

    13 February 2019

    Underwriter warns standard formula changes could slice 20 points from coverage ratio

  • Generali and VIG accused of insuring Czech coal power plant

    02 November 2018

    Campaign group Unfriend Coal claims insurance deal 'undermines climate change action'

  • Guardian Financial Services brand revived with aim to reinvent UK protection insurance

    31 August 2018

    Punter Southall and Leadenhall Capital Partners back new distributor with £180m of investment

  • Insurers warn over Trump's trade wars

    02 August 2018

    Currently only skirmishes, tariff battles would benefit no-one, underwriters say

  • Trade insurers expand books despite protectionism

    01 June 2018

    Euler Hermes still top for credit and suretyship cover in 2017, data shows

  • Myth-busting the demise of commercial property insurance

    13 March 2018

    The value of companies today is based more in intangible assets than ever before. So should commercial property insurers be worried about the future of their business? Tim Freestone delves into the data to reveal a surprising answer

  • To carefully go... Insurers must wise up on new space-age risks

    04 December 2017

    Scor says news ways of exploring space mean new risks for the sector

  • 19 May will be D-Day for insurers' Solvency II reporting

    12 May 2017

    Europe's underwriters delaying publishing documents until last minute