
  • St James's Place CRO takes on finance role

    28 February 2017

    Craig Gentle replaces Andrew Croft

  • Chubb's CRO takes on digital role

    02 February 2017

    Sean Ringsted will give up chief actuary position

  • Insurance Europe slams car makers' proposal for access to in-vehicle data

    13 December 2016

    ACEA/Clepa plan "undermines competition and innovation"

  • We will not spy on customers' data to set premiums, says Admiral

    02 November 2016

    Insurer's initiative comes under fire after Facebook blocks data access

  • XL backs US insurtech firm Lemonade

    24 August 2016

    XL Innovate's Tom Hutton has joined the board of the P&C start-up

  • Asta appoints CRO and chief information officer

    25 April 2016

    Lloyd's managing agent promotes IFoA fellow Clare Barley

  • Coface instigates €100m contingent equity line

    10 February 2016

    Deal with BNP Paribas triggered by solvency or loss ratio

  • Twenty UK insurers await news on Solvency II internal model application

    03 December 2015

    PRA expected to announce decisions over the weekend

  • Entry to cyber market is credit negative

    20 November 2015

    Rising demand must be approached with caution warns Moody's

  • Lloyd's CROs create new committee

    11 November 2015

    Chaucer's Penny Shaw to chair LMA's chief risk officer group