
  • IR&C EMEA 2023: ESG still a complicated business for insurers

    04 December 2023

    Panellists say much more work is needed to arrive at a common ground for sustainability

  • Insurers still backing fossil fuels despite climate crisis, Insure our Future warns

    09 November 2023

    Fossil fuel underwriting earned the industry around $21.3bn in 2022, according to consultancy Insuramore

  • Allianz names Karina Schreiber as group chief actuary

    07 November 2023
  • Allianz paying €280m to acquire former Cattolica P&C business

    13 October 2023
  • Cinven considering Viridium sale, buys Eurovita debt

    04 October 2023

    Moves follow departure of private equity firm's insurance partner

  • Allianz announces net-zero transition plan and environmentalists label it "ambitious"

    07 September 2023

    The German insurance group targets a 30% carbon emissions reduction in its motor segment

  • Allianz joins carbon accounting group PCAF

    06 September 2023

    Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials now has 18 insurer members

  • With a watered-down NZIA, where do insurers' climate commitments stand?

    16 August 2023

    After six of the eight founding members left the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, Joshua Geer investigates if their ambitions stand

  • Allianz departed NZIA to protect shareholders, says CEO

    10 August 2023

    Giulio Terzariol says climate objectives can be achieved without threat to fiduciary duty

  • Australian cyclone reinsurance pool avoids deluge of claims

    01 August 2023

    Only a handful of claims met by the ARPC in its first six months of coverage