
  • Parties reach agreement over Flood Re

    18 December 2014

    Scheme will purchase retrocessional cover

  • Amlin's excess capital spikes on debt repayment

    18 August 2014

    Significant increase in large catastrophe losses

  • Amlin raises stake in ILS venture

    09 July 2014

    Takes 75% of Leadenhall Capital Partners

  • Pushing for professionalism in risk management

    18 June 2014

    Risk managers are under growing pressure to prove their competencies with regulators and rating agencies, say Amlin's Alex Hindson and Aviva's José Morago. They talk to Christopher Cundy about how qualifications can help

  • What do NEDs want from risk managers?

    21 May 2014

    Non-executive directors are putting increasing demands on risk management teams as they try to navigate companies through a riskier world. To help smooth the relationship, two NEDs share their thoughts on what they need. Christopher Cundy reports

  • ABI gives guidance on non-modelled cat risks

    30 April 2014

    Hidden risk has potential impact on solvency

  • Diversification and caution characterise insurers' 2014 asset strategies

    05 March 2014

    Another year of weak yields from bonds is prompting some insurers to continue diversifying their investment portfolios. But with predictions of weaker equity markets and continuing low interest rates, others are battening down the hatches. Jamie Bullen and Christopher Cundy report

  • Amlin's internal model helps cut reinsurance spend

    03 March 2014

    Profits rise, but re/insurer under pressure from lower cat reinsurance rates

  • Insurers' models introduce poorly understood risks

    26 February 2014

    Models have become indispensable to managing a modern re/insurer, but their use is creating new risks that are not well understood. Christopher Cundy speaks to the insurer and the academic who are leading a major project to study the systemic risks in modelling

  • Will RMS(one) be the one?

    01 November 2013

    The one system to manage all cat exposures and risks, that is. Early testers are enthusiastic, but RMS's claims for its new platform will take some time to assess, and the cost of using it could be a hindrance. Christopher Cundy reports