
  • Aon updates storm surge model

    28 October 2013

    Data from superstorm Sandy has been added

  • Solvency II driving European reinsurance buying

    24 October 2013

    Life insurers are increasing their reinsurance to meet capital requirements

  • Aon develops Colorado flood model

    17 October 2013

    Scenario model quantifies potential for flood losses in the US state

  • JP Morgan hires Aon insurance asset head

    24 September 2013

    Gareth Haslip is latest recruit to insurance investment team

  • JLT to pay $250m for Towers Watson's reinsurance brokerage

    20 September 2013

    Merger with JLT Re to "restore client choice" to reinsurance market, says Dominic Burke

  • Reinsurers and brokers steeled for "post-convergence" markets

    10 September 2013

    The rise of alternative capital has been the talking point at this year's reinsurance Rendez-vous in Monte Carlo. The $45bn currently in play could double in next three years, but what will be the effect on pricing and how reinsurers and brokers operate? Christopher Cundy reports

  • Reinsurance capital influx raises government interest in cat coverage

    02 September 2013

    Significant growth opportunities for catastrophe excess-of-loss market, says Aon Benfield's Christian

  • ILS market set to broaden in scope

    30 August 2013

    Lower spreads no barrier to market growth, says Aon Benfield Securities

  • Mexican flood model launched

    27 August 2013

    Impact Forecasting's tool uses latest regional hazard data

  • Mexican solvency reforms to test insurers' practices

    09 August 2013

    Mexico is due to implement its version of Solvency II in April 2015, but companies will face challenges in improving their risk management, governance and disclosure practices. Lorna Davies reports