Aon expands coverage of its European windstorm and SCS models
09 March 2023 -
Impact Forecasting launches Canadian quake model
22 February 2023 -
Open exposure data standards: heading for the big switchover
27 January 2023Oasis's Dickie Whitaker welcomes move by Aon and reinsurers to push the OED standard
Aon: insured 2022 cat losses hit $132bn
26 January 2023 -
Crypto insurance after the FTX fallout
28 December 2022FTX's collapse capped a bad year for cryptocurrency markets and has prompted serious questions for the burgeoning crypto insurance business, as Sarfraz Thind reports
Argo Group names Marcus Foley as chief risk officer
02 December 2022Foley will join the Bermudian insurer from Aon and succeeds Alex Hindson
Crowe UK recruits Argo Group's CRSO Alex Hindson
02 December 2022Hindson will focus mostly on growing Crowe's sustainability and ESG offering
Surging ransomware risk "isn't going away any time soon "
22 November 2022Learning points for insurers from Aon cyber risk panel
Lloyd's CFO would welcome cyber insurance regulatory intervention
10 November 2022Aon and Beazley call for better definition of cyber events
Aon arranges $500m cryptocurrency insurance deal
10 November 2022Deal with Copper uses Canopius and others to insure crypto held in cold storage