
  • Cyclone-prone homes pay 35% lower premiums since Australian government starts sharing risk

    07 May 2024

    ARPC found insurance availability also improving

  • Brickbats rain down on Australia's property insurers at parliamentary investigation

    14 February 2024

    Politicians suggested Australia's insurers had only themselves to blame for a humiliating grilling over responses to 2022's flooding. But insurers said constructing homes in flood plains is not exactly helping, as David Walker reports

  • Consumer advocate urges Australian government to reinsure flood, not just cyclones

    02 February 2024

    Alternative is for government to pay for the uninsured, Australian Consumers Insurance Lobby warns

  • Australia to face reinsurance withdrawal if building isn't smarter

    30 January 2024

    Insurers set to give evidence to parliamentary committee probing 2022 floods

  • Government reinsurer to cover A$14m of Suncorp's latest gross cyclone costs

    29 January 2024

    Cyclone Jasper hit far north Queensland in December

  • Australian cyclone reinsurance pool avoids deluge of claims

    01 August 2023

    Only a handful of claims met by the ARPC in its first six months of coverage

  • Experts cast doubt over Australian reinsurance pool effectiveness

    19 January 2023

    Government's pool aims to contain costs of covering northern properties

  • Geneva Association forms cyber terrorism joint task force

    15 October 2019

    Its initial findings are expected to be published in mid-2020.

  • Australian government downplays cyber property threat

    12 December 2018

    Cyber terrorism remains an emerging risk but has yet to lead to market failure, the Australian government says

  • Australian terrorism pool launches cyber study

    06 November 2018

    Will investigate whether to extend coverage to cyber terrorism