Conning offers US insurers trade finance investments
14 January 2014NAIC recently approved trade finance as an investable asset
Technology Guide 2013-14: vendors react to Solvency II delays
29 October 2013Both users and vendors of risk management systems have faced difficult decisions as a result of the further delay in Solvency II implementation. We look at the opportunities and problems created by this and issues such as: do faster systems have to be more complex, as well as more expensive, and will vendors offer more transparency into their models?
Conning updates risk management software
18 October 2013Version 6.1 has enhancements for Asian users
Prophet to interface with GEMS
10 June 2013SunGard's modelling software connects with Conning's economic scenario generator
Austrian insurer licenses Conning ESG
07 June 2013Uniqa Group takes GEMS to support modelling with LSMC
Conning and Ramius pair up to provide hedge fund strategies for insurers
30 April 2013Hedge fund strategies may enhance risk-adjusted return, say pair
Conning to expand research business
03 April 2013Stephen Weberson joins from SFRi to head the business
US insurance M&A "declined significantly" in 2012
21 March 2013But 2013 could be strong, says Conning
Conning and Milliman link GEMS and MG-ALFA
08 March 2013Milliman's actuarial modelling software will take outputs from Conning's ESG
Tom Leonardi: "We have a terrific system in the US"
05 March 2013Whether at the state, federal or international level, Connecticut insurance commissioner Thomas Leonardi is helping to deliver new regulations. He tells Gloria Gonzalez that the US regulatory framework worked very well during the financial crisis