
  • Direct Line anticipates internal model approval by June

    01 March 2016

    Reports 147% Solvency II ratio under standard formula

  • RPC Consulting hires ex-PwC insurance partner

    11 January 2016

    Chris Carson joins London-based RPC

  • UK reveals Solvency II applications for MA, VA and transitional deductions

    06 January 2016

    Matching adjustment is as popular as volatility adjustment

  • Twenty UK insurers await news on Solvency II internal model application

    03 December 2015

    PRA expected to announce decisions over the weekend

  • Direct Line to join second wave of internal model applications

    05 August 2015

    Aiming to gain approval in July 2016

  • Former Direct Line chief joins FCA

    08 July 2015

    Jonathan Davidson will supervise retail and authorisations

  • Shareholders to profit from Direct Line international sale

    26 September 2014

    Insurer underlines strong capital position

  • Flood reinsurance scheme could fail to make payments in bad years

    28 July 2014

    Moody's warns of risk of underfunding after proposals to cap government transfers

  • David Brown joins KPMG from Direct Line

    16 April 2014

    Becomes non-life actuarial partner

  • Former Phoenix CRO joins Admiral's board

    20 January 2014

    Appointment of Jean Park means board is now one-third female