
  • Insurers raise the heat on weather derivatives

    24 January 2014

    Rain or shine, the past year has seen a host of insurers jumping into the weather derivatives markets. Weather risks offer significant synergies with existing business lines and deal flow is on the up. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Willis, Endurance strike Australian weather derivatives deal

    03 December 2013

    Mining project insured in event of extreme weather

  • Endurance appoints chief actuary

    04 October 2013

    Scott Galiardo promoted to new role

  • DeLemps takes CRO role at Endurance

    29 July 2013

    Adds risk management to underwriting responsibilities

  • Q-Re appoints CRO

    14 May 2013

    And 12 other senior management positions

  • Liberty Mutual reports $886m Sandy loss

    05 March 2013

    While Amlin reduces its reinsurance spend for 2013

  • Sandy swells Q4 loss for AIG

    22 February 2013

    Storm was second largest single catastrophe event for US insurer

  • RenRe, Allstate and PartnerRe report Q4 profits despite Sandy losses

    07 February 2013

    But a Q4 loss for Argo and The Hanover