
  • Eiopa backs Commission's recovery and resolution proposal

    07 July 2022

    The authority said the proposed directive covered all "building blocks" for the framework

  • MEP demands more influence over Solvency II reforms

    03 February 2022

    Stakeholders have criticised the European Commission for leaving key details out of directive

  • IFRS 17: one year to go

    14 December 2021

    Cintia Cheong summarises this year's important developments, and what to expect in the 12 months before the insurance contracts accounting standard comes into effect

  • GDV backs phase-out of government support for credit insurance

    10 December 2021

    Changes made during the Covid-19 pandemic will be rolled back

  • EU endorses IFRS 17 with carve out for annual cohorts

    26 October 2021

    Danish insurers applaud decision

  • EU states call for greater clarity in Solvency II debate

    05 October 2021

    Details of key reforms are missing from Commission's proposals

  • Eiopa criticises dumping of guarantee schemes in Solvency II review

    01 October 2021

    EU's insurance authority responds to last week's proposals from European Commission

  • Irish insurers lambast EU's "disappointing" Solvency II reform

    28 September 2021

    Insurance Ireland said the European Commission has missed an opportunity to enhance competition

  • European insurers welcome Efrag's role in sustainability reporting standards

    27 September 2021

    Insurance Europe says Efrag should consider field-testing the standards

  • COMMENT: €90bn, €120bn... what's the reality of the Solvency II capital savings?

    24 September 2021

    Christopher Cundy reflects on what the European Commission's figures, in its impact assessment for Solvency II reforms, really mean