
  • EU approves IFRS 9 delay for insurers

    16 December 2020

    Separate UK adoption no longer needed

  • Covid-19 lessons should inform Solvency II review, ESRB says

    21 October 2020

    Christine Lagarde says it's unsatisfactory that supervisors relied on ad-hoc solutions during crisis

  • European insurers dismiss universal climate change adaptation solutions

    24 August 2020

    Insurance Europe responds to EU consultation

  • Efrag approves IFRS 9 deadline postponement

    25 June 2020

    Stakeholders have until 3 July to comment on endorsement

  • Mitigate future pandemics with public-private partnerships, says Ferma

    20 April 2020

    European risk management association writes to the European Commission urging action

  • EU must stay firm on ICS commitment, says European Commission

    24 February 2020

    Testing for global Insurance Capital Standard shaken by French withdrawal

  • Insurers and regulators reveal attitudes towards Solvency II review

    29 January 2020

    European Commission's conference hears call for no increase in capital requirements

  • EU sustainability taxonomy "too complex" to assess investee companies

    17 September 2019

    Insurance Europe levels criticism in response to taxonomy technical report

  • EU countries clarify Commission's claim on incorrect SII implementation - UPDATED

    01 August 2019

    Concerns range from transposition failure to interpretation issues

  • Solvency II wrongly implemented in five countries

    26 July 2019

    European Commission gives member states two months to comply