
  • Everest Re expects $150m pandemic claims hit

    24 April 2020

    The reinsurer warned "actual ultimate losses" may vary due to market uncertainties

  • Everest Re appoints international chief actuary

    14 April 2020

    Alex Poracchia joins the organisation's Everest Global Markets division

  • Everest Re promotes actuarial pricing head to CRO

    16 March 2020

    Don Mango will also become chief actuary

  • Everest Re dodges cat losses to post best profit since 2014

    11 February 2020

    Company reports net income of $1bn, up from $89m in 2018

  • Everest Re expects $215m Q4 nat cat hit

    31 January 2020

    Typhoon Hagibis is largely responsible for Everest Re's projected catastrophe losses

  • Insurance ERM Americas: The risk trends keeping US CROs awake at night

    12 November 2019

    US re/insurance chief risk officers reveal the risks that most concern them, changing risk tolerances in the industry and strategies for dealing with emerging threats. Ronan McCaughey reports from InsuranceERM's New York conference

  • Insurance ERM Americas: is cyber risk modelling up to scratch?

    07 November 2019

    Panellists at InsuranceERM's New York conference shared their thoughts on the positive aspects of cyber risk modelling and where improvements are required. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Everest Re estimates Q3 cat losses of $280m

    16 October 2019

    The Bermudian re/insurer said losses are driven by hurricane Dorian and typhoon Faxai

  • Brexit produces 'eye-catching' insurance solvency figures

    20 August 2019

    Insurance Risk Data unearths some striking metrics from UK insurance players fearing a ‘hard Brexit’

  • Insurance ERM Americas conference 2019 - early bird ends this Friday

    01 August 2019

    The fifth annual Insurance ERM Americas conference takes place in New York on 16 September