
  • US clears last hurdle to negotiate covered agreement with EU

    23 November 2015

    Regulators seek Solvency II equivalence in return for harmonisation of reinsurance collateral requirements

  • FIO attacks scope and timing of state regulators' captive reform

    05 October 2015

    Proposed rules insufficient to stop insurers from using captives to overly reduce level of reserves

  • Deal on reinsurance collateral stalls over bureaucratic hurdles

    27 August 2015

    Negotiations between the EU and the US were scheduled for before the summer, but have yet to start. There is a growing concern that the delay thwarts plans to grant the US equivalence status under Solvency II before the regime goes live. Hugo Coelho reports.

  • Tying federal regulators in knots

    28 May 2015

    Insurers are increasing their lobbying efforts as legislation advances through Congress that is designed to limit the discretion of federal regulators in designating systemic firms and devising capital standards. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Federal regulators pledge to preserve US system

    29 April 2015

    FIO and Fed emphasise distinction between US and global regulations

  • EU and US to negotiate deal on reinsurance collateral

    04 August 2014

    Agreement to reduce collateral requirements expected by end 2014

  • NAIC heads for full governance review

    16 July 2014

    US commissioners seek independent advice after months of infighting

  • Leonardi blasts "reckless" timetable for global capital standards

    05 February 2014

    US House subcommittee grills Connecticut commissioner and FIO chief McRaith

  • Solvency reform a priority for US regulators

    20 December 2013

    US insurance supervision is inefficient and inconsistent, according to the Federal Insurance Office, which has made its long-awaited recommendations for reform. Among its prime targets are solvency regulation, reserving and treatment of captives. Christopher Cundy reports

  • US has more reservations about Solvency II than a year ago

    21 June 2013

    The federal threat to the US system of state-based insurance supervision is waning, according to Jim Donelon and Ben Nelson, the president and CEO of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, but international pressure for reform is an ever-present danger. In a Q&A with InsuranceERM, the new officials also discuss progress on reinsurance collateral, the ORSA and principles-based reserving