
  • InsuranceERM award winners celebrate in style

    11 March 2019

    Photos and list of winners from the prestigious InsuranceERM UK & Europe 2018-2019 awards

  • US life firms under pressure from accounting overhaul

    08 January 2019

    It has been billed as the biggest change in US accounting rules for decades. But reportage of the new US GAAP LDTI standard remains sparse. Since coming into effect in August, with an implementation deadline of 2021, companies have been scrambling to assess the impact. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • IASB votes in favour of IFRS 17 delay

    14 November 2018

    IFRS 9 also to be delayed to maintain consistency for insurers

  • FIS boosts Prophet's IFRS 17 capabilities

    30 July 2018

    Q3 update adds functionality to support PAA approach

  • IFRS 17 deadline raises feasibility concerns

    26 April 2018

    Accounting standard brings operational complexity, says panel

  • Finalists announced for InsuranceERM Awards

    21 December 2017

    See which companies, teams and individuals have made the shortlist for this year's awards for risk and capital management

  • FIS partners with Deloitte on IFRS 17

    20 September 2017

    Deal aims to improve collaboration between finance and actuarial functions, says FIS

  • Prophet libraries updated for latest IFRS 17 version

    03 July 2017

    Includes new group calculations library

  • FIS partners with SAP on IFRS 17

    15 June 2017

    Actuarial and finance departments will have to work together like never before, says FIS

  • IFRS 17 compliance: a task comparable with Solvency II?

    18 May 2017

    IFRS 17 has been described as a "landmark shift" in insurer accounting and some are saying that implementation could require more work than was needed for Solvency II. InsuranceERM gets the lowdown from the industry on what it means for the sector