
  • Don't ban insurers from making ransomware payments, says Geneva Association

    20 July 2022

    Report from industry think-tank says it could encourage more malicious extortion

  • Combat inflation with the tools at your disposal, insurers told

    05 July 2022

    The Geneva Association Economic Forum examined inflation's impact on insurers

  • IAIS 2022: bringing the party back to insurance

    28 June 2022

    June's meeting of international regulators was a sunny affair in an idyllic setting. Even the ever-lurking shadow of the ICS couldn't spoil the party after two years of isolation. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • IPCC report should inspire insurers to create biodiversity protection products

    04 March 2022

    The UN body has warned of biodiversity hotspots that need coverage and the need for more focus on adaptation measures in its latest assessment of climate change. Paul Walsh reports

  • Insurers warned against "blanket" ransomware policy

    18 February 2022

    Rachel Anne Carter said the decision not to pay a ransom can have serious consequences

  • AI use is fair as long as all parties benefit

    03 December 2021

    Panellists at the Insurance Risk & Capital EMEA conference discuss the risks associated with bias

  • Insurance set for key urban risk mitigation role

    23 November 2021

    Research from the Geneva Association says the sector must overcome specific issues

  • People moves: Geneva Association, Bermuda Monetary Authority, AGCS,Willis Towers Watson

    17 November 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • IRC Americas: Insurers should not intervene on ransomware payments

    23 September 2021

    Insurers discuss how to respond to the changing nature of cyber risk

  • Climate risk assessment needs an integrated approach

    01 March 2021

    Geneva Association task force releases a framework to help insurers tackle climate risk