
  • Gjensidige pays out 2019 dividend

    17 September 2020

    Decision comes after Norwegian government lifts ban

  • COMMENT: At last, some progress towards Building Back Better

    17 July 2020

    Insurers have been poor at helping clients mitigate climate risks, so two initiatives announced this week should be applauded, argues Christopher Cundy

  • Gjensidige CFO: "It's not in our interest to retain this level of capital"

    14 July 2020

    Regulatory ban on dividends sees solvency ratio soar to 283%

  • Gjensidige's underwriting improves in Q1, but investments drag

    22 April 2020

    Net NOK 91m of travel claims linked to Covid-19

  • Norway and Croatia stop insurers paying dividends during pandemic

    26 March 2020

    Gjensidige postpones capital distribution despite strong financial position

  • Gjensidige halts special dividend as precaution against economic crisis

    23 March 2020

    Coronavirus pandemic has hit the Norwegian insurer's solvency capital position

  • Regulator rejects Gjensidige's plan to amend internal model

    04 February 2020

    Proposal to reform market risk calculation

  • Bank sale pushes Gjensidige to record profits

    22 January 2020

    Norwegian insurer still "actively scoping" for acquisitions

  • Danish insurers reject half of investigated personal injury claims

    31 December 2019

    Finanstilsynet research shows investigations and legal surveillance increasing

  • How insurers are thinking about sustainability - part 2

    03 October 2019

    In the second part of this two-part feature, Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh ask seven primary insurers about their approach to climate change, who has responsibility for sustainability and how to measure improvements