Prioritise low interest rates and climate change, IMF tells Hong Kong
09 June 2021Insurers' stock prices more affected by climate change than other sectors
IMF risk alert for Austrian insurance sector
03 February 2020The international body warns about the impact of the low interest rate environment
Scrutinise insurers' liquidity risk, IMF tells French regulator
01 November 2019Analysis of a sample of SFCRs found no quantitative measures to address liquidity risk
Insurers in Singapore breach minimum capital requirements in IMF stress tests
18 July 2019Solvency tests conducted as part of International Monetary Fund review
Conduct risk and resolution regime key for Swiss market
28 June 2019The IMF has targeted ways to strengthen the Swiss insurance sector
IMF supports global capital standard for insurers
10 October 2018Solvency II is welcome, but broader coverage is needed to minimise economic threats
Solvency II LTG measures could be more symmetric, says IMF
23 July 2018International Monetary Fund says reserves should be built up in good times
Solvency II equivalence on the Isle of Man - a bear necessity?
26 April 2017Allan Christian explains how updates to the Isle of Man's insurance regulatory regime have become intertwined with efforts to gain Solvency II equivalency
Netherlands would benefit from joint regulatory approach - IMF
04 April 2017Financial stability assessment warns of supervisory arbitrage
Life insurers have become more systemic, says IMF
05 April 2016Global financial stability report calls for macroprudential framework