
  • UK risks having too few specialist with-profits actuaries

    23 August 2021

    Actuaries prefer "new growth areas," warns Hymans Robertson

  • Quantum computing shows potential for insurers' asset-liability management

    09 August 2021

    Optimisation challenges can be solved in the blink of an eye, say actuaries

  • Fears grow over impact of actuarial regulation overhaul

    06 July 2021

    Hymans Robertson and Mazars explain why they back the IFoA's stance

  • IFoA pushes back on proposed UK actuarial regulation revamp

    02 July 2021

    The actuaries' professional body questioned how the changes would be implemented

  • People moves: IFoA, Osfi, Marsh McLennan, MassMutual

    25 June 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • Unfair consumer pricing could land actuaries in hot water

    22 June 2021

    IFoA reviews home and motor insurance pricing practices

  • FCA pricing reform to cause headaches for years to come

    28 May 2021

    UK conduct regulator to outlaw price walking by January 2022

  • Transfer of market risk to individuals branded a "huge systemic failure"

    23 April 2021

    John Taylor, IFoA past president, presents findings of Great Risk Transfer Campaign

  • UK proposes overhaul to supervision of actuarial profession

    22 March 2021

    The IFoA says it will work with the government in responding to the proposals

  • People moves: Google, IFoA, Africa Specialty Risk and Bank of England

    12 March 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk and capital appointments in the insurance industry