UK risks having too few specialist with-profits actuaries
23 August 2021Actuaries prefer "new growth areas," warns Hymans Robertson
Quantum computing shows potential for insurers' asset-liability management
09 August 2021Optimisation challenges can be solved in the blink of an eye, say actuaries
Fears grow over impact of actuarial regulation overhaul
06 July 2021Hymans Robertson and Mazars explain why they back the IFoA's stance
IFoA pushes back on proposed UK actuarial regulation revamp
02 July 2021The actuaries' professional body questioned how the changes would be implemented
People moves: IFoA, Osfi, Marsh McLennan, MassMutual
25 June 2021InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry
Unfair consumer pricing could land actuaries in hot water
22 June 2021IFoA reviews home and motor insurance pricing practices
FCA pricing reform to cause headaches for years to come
28 May 2021UK conduct regulator to outlaw price walking by January 2022
Transfer of market risk to individuals branded a "huge systemic failure"
23 April 2021John Taylor, IFoA past president, presents findings of Great Risk Transfer Campaign
UK proposes overhaul to supervision of actuarial profession
22 March 2021The IFoA says it will work with the government in responding to the proposals
People moves: Google, IFoA, Africa Specialty Risk and Bank of England
12 March 2021InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk and capital appointments in the insurance industry