
  • Insurers' spend on EU lobbying rises 50%

    25 August 2016

    Bill for 2015 tops €7m

  • Reinsurers renew lobbying efforts to avoid G-Sii designation

    09 August 2016

    A move from quantitative to qualitative indicators of global systemic risk is threatening to make the designation process more opaque for reinsurers. Callum Tanner reports

  • IAIS moves forward with global capital standard

    19 July 2016

    Industry concerned by ambitious timetable and lack of political support

  • UFR changes must be back tested

    18 July 2016

    Insurance Europe warns rushed changes could threaten investment returns for policyholders

  • Revised G-SII rules "overweigh" liquidity risk

    22 June 2016

    European insurers fear implicit capital charge

  • Adjusting the leash for disruptors

    01 June 2016

    Regulators must live up to the challenge of fostering innovation while ensuring insurtech firms and incumbents remain on equal footing. Asa Gibson reports

  • XL chief: Solvency II will block innovation

    26 May 2016

    Mike McGavick blasts EU regulators for emphasis on capital

  • Solvency II is conservative enough already - Balbinot

    25 May 2016

    Insurance Europe president argues against reforms that increase capital needs

  • Design faults flagged in Priips KID draft

    28 April 2016

    Insurance Europe says investors will be misled by information documents

  • UFR reduction should wait for Solvency II review, says Insurance Europe

    21 April 2016

    Trade body wants reference rate to be aligned with long-term guarantees