
  • XL chief: Solvency II will block innovation

    26 May 2016

    Mike McGavick blasts EU regulators for emphasis on capital

  • Solvency II is conservative enough already - Balbinot

    25 May 2016

    Insurance Europe president argues against reforms that increase capital needs

  • Design faults flagged in Priips KID draft

    28 April 2016

    Insurance Europe says investors will be misled by information documents

  • UFR reduction should wait for Solvency II review, says Insurance Europe

    21 April 2016

    Trade body wants reference rate to be aligned with long-term guarantees

  • InsuranceERM's Most Influential 2016 revealed

    19 April 2016

    Who's leading the direction of risk and capital management?

  • Eiopa's Bernardino: "Supervisors shouldn't kick the can down the road on low rates"

    10 March 2016

    The chairman of Europe's insurance authority lifts the veil on this year's stress test and discusses with Hugo Coelho the limitations to consistent implementation of Solvency II

  • Commission prepares third batch of Solvency II equivalence decisions

    10 March 2016

    No date for cuts to capital charges for securitisations

  • Eiopa elects new stakeholder group

    04 March 2016

    Karel Van Hulle, Arendse Huub and Benoît Hugonin among the members

  • IMF-like peer reviews needed to avoid Solvency II gold plating

    02 February 2016

    Insurance Europe urges Eiopa to move beyond opinions and guidelines

  • Regulators, don't undermine our internal models

    28 January 2016

    They are fundamental to modern solvency regimes, says Inga Beale