
  • Commission orders cut to Solvency II charges on infrastructure and ABS

    01 October 2015

    Capital treatment of private equity up for review

  • Opinion: Ultimate forward thinking?

    17 September 2015

    Legislators should resist the pressure to alter the ultimate forward rate (UFR), a key element of the discount rate used for the valuation of all assets and liabilities in Solvency II, argues Igotz Aubin

  • Wrong time to revise the UFR, say EU insurers

    16 September 2015

    Insurance Europe urges delay and calls for phase-in of changes

  • Industry rejects GDPR proposal prohibiting fully automated profiling

    09 September 2015

    European Parliament calls for human intervention on all profile assessments

  • US insurers call for halt to HLA consultation

    04 September 2015

    Trade group says IAIS should focus on definitions first

  • Industry condemns HLA proposals

    26 August 2015

    Extending the scope of the requirement to traditional insurance is wrong

  • Insurers troubled by last minute additional Solvency II requirements

    25 August 2015

    National regulators are gold plating European directive, industry trade body says

  • Industry requests exemption from EMIR central clearing obligations

    18 August 2015

    OTC derivatives market regulation is too restrictive, claims Insurance Europe

  • Internal risk transfer is not tax evasion, insurers say

    10 August 2015

    Industry raises concerns about OECD plans to tackle profit shifting strategies

  • Industry chiefs urge deferral of IFRS 9

    03 July 2015

    Adoption before IFRS 4 Phase II would obscure insurers' financial statements