
  • European regulators outline Brexit mitigation measures

    31 January 2019

    As the threat of a no-deal Brexit becomes more likely, some EU countries are stepping up their preparations to ensure service continuity. Cintia Cheong spoke to regulators and governments in five big EU27 markets to find out what they have planned

  • Ivass head signals Eiopa "openness" to volatility adjustment change

    17 January 2019

    Salvatore Rossi maintains momentum for VA amendment

  • Ivass calls for less burdensome Solvency II capital calculations

    08 October 2018

    Italian regulator reiterates wish for volatility adjustment to be addressed

  • French worse than Italians at Solvency II filings

    22 August 2018

    Insurance Risk Data reveals the main offenders behind poor documents

  • Italian regulator introduces three-tiered rules on systems of governance

    18 July 2018

    Ivass applies proportionality to the supervision of Italian insurers

  • EU supervisors insist Solvency II risk margin "is not an issue"

    03 July 2018

    Insurers’ calls for a recalibration of the risk margin are being ignored by Eiopa and national supervisors, as evidenced at Insurance Europe's conference in Brussels last week. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • Italian insurers failed by Solvency II volatility adjustment, Ivass says

    29 June 2018

    Mechanism did not protect underwriters from recent bond market turbulence

  • With-profits rule change will spur run-off in Italy, Fitch predicts

    08 March 2018

    New profit-sharing mechanism expected to be implemented later this year

  • Helvetia criticises Swiss regulator for interfering with life policy guarantees

    06 March 2018

    Chief executive also comments on Italy's Ivass

  • Eiopa's Fausto Parente: convergence is the remedy for regulatory arbitrage

    21 November 2017

    The executive director of the EU's insurance authority discusses its new powers, Brexit, supervisory convergence, insurtech and sustainability in this interview with Christopher Cundy