
  • Texas hailstorm insured losses exceed $1bn say KCC

    16 June 2023
  • RMS estimates Turkey quake insured loss to exceed $5bn

    23 February 2023

    The road to recovery in Turkey will take several years, warns the catastrophe risk modeller

  • KCC estimates Turkey quake insured loss at $2.4bn

    17 February 2023
  • The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season: average activity but a hefty price tag

    30 November 2022

    Insurers should expect more severe hurricanes, according to cat risk modellers

  • "Extremely dangerous" hurricane Ian strengthens to category 4

    28 September 2022

    It is predicted to hit Florida this afternoon and cause catastrophic wind damage

  • 2021 Atlantic hurricane season: "shorties", northeastern losses and rapid intensification

    21 December 2021

    This year's Atlantic hurricane season may not have broken the records of its predecessor, but it was notable for the emergence of several worrying trends. Paul Walsh reports

  • Parametric payouts do little to close the Haiti protection gap

    24 August 2021

    Insurers are expected to pick up less than 20% of earthquake losses in Haiti

  • Storm Henri predicted to cause $150m of insured losses

    24 August 2021

    If Henri remained as a hurricane, KCC warned insured losses could have reached $1.5bn

  • No room for complacency in 2021 Atlantic hurricane season

    31 May 2021

    Forecasters have predicted another "above-normal" hurricane season, although not as bad as 2020. But as the season gets underway, insurers and catastrophe modellers have stressed there is no place for complacency. Paul Walsh reports

  • The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season: breaking unexpected records

    27 November 2020

    This year will be remembered for the having the largest number of tropical storms, but it has been a relatively lucky season without serious losses. For insurers and risk modellers, the long-term impact may be the advances in technology forced upon them by the pandemic, as Paul Walsh reports