KPMG fined £6m for insurance audit failings
30 April 2019UK watchdog concludes case of misleading accounts at ERS
Over half of insurers behind target on operational efficiency
29 April 2019KPMG and Acord survey also highlights limited integration of technology platforms
Getting IFRS 17 ready for lift off
16 April 2019Despite the recent efforts by the IASB in proposing several changes to ease the implementation of IFRS 17, the new accounting standard for insurance contracts, some in the industry believe more needs to be done. Cintia Cheong rounds up the latest developments on IFRS 17 and the outstanding issues until its launch
UK insurtech investment hits $1bn
15 February 2019KPMG’s report shows market is maturing with fewer, but larger insurtech deals
Gábor Hanák leads International Actuarial Association in 2019
09 January 2019While Tonya Manning will take presidential role in 2020
Analysts concerned by optionality in IFRS 17
11 December 2018But they hope comparability will improve in future, says KPMG
IASB likely to support one-year deferral for IFRS 17
06 November 2018But two years are more realistic for some insurers, panellist argues
Efrag puts IFRS 17 consultation on hold
21 September 2018Parallel work at IASB blamed for delay
KPMG promotes Simon Ranger to lead UK insurance
18 September 2018Simon Ranger previously held roles at Deloitte and Prudential UK
IFRS 17: more insurers will buy CSM engine instead of building it
06 September 2018Finding talent still a bigger concern than securing budget