L&G: combined PRT market volumes for UK and US to hit over £250bn
06 September 2024The insurer said PRT markets in both countries are on track for one of their largest years ever
LGRA's CEO talks up the three trillion PRT opportunity
26 August 2024George Palms has built Legal and General Retirement America's US PRT business from scratch. But he sees much more opportunity for growth, he tells Sarfraz Thind
L&G doubles retail annuity sales, but PRT business slows in H1
07 August 2024More than £24bn of active PRT deals in UK, most of which to transact this year
L&G flushed with success after SCA £1.1bn buy-in deal
01 August 2024The insurer is on a roll to write approximately £50bn of PRT business over five years
UK's life insurance stress test targets 11 bulk annuity providers
10 July 2024Prudential Regulation Authority consults on tests to be launched in 2025
UK matching adjustment benefit rises to £78bn
09 July 2024More business for bulk annuity insurers, as interest rates dip
L&G slims down to three divisions
12 June 2024CEO António Simões announces strategy for "simpler, more synergistic and capital light" group
Solvency II risk margin reform liberates at least £13bn of capital for UK insurers
13 May 2024InsuranceERM analysis of top 20 insurers reveal companies with largest savings
Full steam ahead for US bulk annuity market
02 May 2024The rapidly growing US market for pension liabilities offers great potential for life insurers. However, there are concerns that litigation and regulatory changes could derail the progress achieved. Ronan McCaughey explains
Andrew Sooboodoo appointed CRO at InEvo Re
19 April 2024