
  • Storm Henri hits north-eastern US

    23 August 2021

    The storm knocked out power to 140,000 homes and caused deluges

  • People moves: AIG Life, Liberty Mutual Re, Arch Re, BMA

    23 July 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk-related people moves in the insurance industry

  • Scor drops support for Trans Mountain pipeline

    17 June 2021

    Climate campaigners are also planning protests and demonstrations about the issue in 25 cities

  • Civil unrest risk transfer market hampered by lack of credible modelling

    25 February 2021

    US insurers showing increased interest since pandemic, but few options as of now, says Verisk

  • Brit refuses to insure Adani's Carmichael coal mine

    24 February 2021

    Lloyd's syndicates remain mostly silent on market's ESG proposals

  • Liberty Mutual spots opportunity to launch terror insurance

    09 February 2021

    Comes on the back of increased episodes of civil unrest in US

  • Insurtech weekly: Clark, Bold Penguin, Apollo Insurance Solutions, Hiro, Lemonade, Humn

    15 January 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest fundraisings among global insurtechs

  • US store sells $175m BI insurance claim ahead of court hearing

    08 December 2020

    Claims against Allianz, Liberty Mutual and Great American bought for at least $50m

  • Mitigating climate risk needs insurance regulators "to get tough"

    25 September 2020

    Highlights from the InsuranceERM Americas 2020 virtual conference

  • Activists launch tool to scrutinise re/insurers' coal policy

    08 September 2020

    Axa amongst top insurers with most robust policy