Unum credit rating cut after $1.2bn LTC reserving hit
05 May 2020Moody's downgrades rating to just above junk status
Covid-19 turns insurance sector outlooks negative - UPDATED
08 April 2020InsuranceERM summarises the views of credit rating agencies for insurance sectors worldwide
S&P bucks trend with stable outlook for US insurers amid Covid-19 - UPDATED
27 March 2020InsuranceERM summarises the impact of the pandemic on insurance sectors worldwide
Moody's talks up markets' impact of coronavirus on insurers
02 March 2020Volatility in financial markets more of worry than claims
Coronavirus: Chinese insurers face significant disruption risk
04 February 2020Moody's and S&P examine impact of outbreak on insurers
CNO poised for rating upgrade after $2.7bn LTC reinsurance deal
02 August 2018Wilton Re to take on liabilities for $825m commission
Genworth downgraded after $478m impairment charge
12 February 2015Further troubles with long-term care business
Sidecars suck in record amount of capital in Q1
28 May 2014But one sidecar alone accounted for bulk of investment
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