
  • Southern German floods likely to cost insurers €2bn, says GDV

    10 June 2024

    June inundations in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg bring major losses

  • R+V property customers' take-up of extreme weather cover at 70%

    26 February 2024
  • Germany faces up to climate protection gap

    20 July 2023

    Germans agree they faced climate change front-on when storm Bernd hit in 2021. Two years on, they are somewhat less united on exactly how best to respond. David Walker reports

  • Debeka says customers' memories of 2021 storm Bernd are fading

    04 July 2023
  • Staffing risks hit multi-year peak at German insurers

    26 May 2023

    Worries over skills shortages and labour costs sit at 13-year highs, DIHK survey finds

  • German life firms unwind €4bn from €92bn ZZR in 2022

    10 May 2023

    BaFin's Frank Grund reminds them policyholders must benefit

  • R+V relies on health and P&C for growth, as life business toughens

    02 May 2023

    Life premiums contracted in 2022 at mid-tier German insurer

  • Axa's German unit reveals impact of claims inflation in 2022

    12 April 2023

    German SFCRs also carried details of stress-test scenarios to re-run damage from storm Bernd

  • Germany's R+V reports €200m loss in H1 from extreme weather

    28 July 2022

    Storms Ylenia, Zeynep and Antonia caused the most damage by June

  • German insurers want more than mandatory flood cover to fight climate change

    06 April 2022

    R+V and VKB report costliest claims years ever