
  • "Gas is part of the transition!" Axa sustainability lead defends underwriting policy

    25 April 2024

    The insurer faces security on insuring LNG terminals

  • IR&C EMEA 2023: Solvency II "mandatory transition plan" rule isn't quite what seems - UPDATED

    06 December 2023

    Eiopa chair Petra Hielkema clarifies amendments made in trilogue negotiations

  • Econ approves Solvency II amendments and recovery and resolution package - UPDATED

    18 July 2023

    Today's vote concludes lengthy negotiations in European Parliament's committee

  • Environmental NGOs criticise Parliament's latest Solvency II proposals

    05 July 2023

    No higher risk charges for fossil fuels, but mandatory transition plans are recommended

  • The UK's Solvency II reform proposals: reactions summarised

    21 July 2022

    Actuaries, US insurers, environmental campaigners have joined the UK industry in responding to Solvency II reform proposals. Christopher Cundy and David Walker report

  • M&G faces shareholder backlash on its climate transition plan

    25 May 2022

    One-fifth of shareholders reject net-zero emissions commitments

  • US insurers unfailingly poor on ESG, report finds

    26 May 2021

    Lobby group report lays bare disparity between US and rest of world on climate

  • ShareAction releases practical guide on managing climate risks

    13 September 2019

    Guide based on interviews with 14 insurers