19 May will be D-Day for insurers' Solvency II reporting
12 May 2017Europe's underwriters delaying publishing documents until last minute
Standard Life increases investment focus with Aberdeen merger
06 March 2017Solvency II increasingly irrelevant to majority asset management business
Prudential joins Standard Life in reviewing non-advised annuity sales
24 February 2017Insurer's decision follows FCA's investigation on sales practices
Standard Life sets aside £175m for annuity sales review and redress
24 February 2017Hoping to claim on PI policy
LV= quits annuity market
16 November 2016Decision comes after consultation last week
Pension freedoms cause Standard Life to withdraw from open annuity market
03 November 2016Sixth provider to close doors since pension freedoms announced
Standard Life to review annuity sales following FCA investigation
17 October 2016Non-advised sales since July 2008 under scrutiny
UK firms split on interest rate hedging strategy
01 September 2016L&G has put its economic view on the pedestal, moving away from its rivals and challenging analysts who take Solvency II figures more seriously. Callum Tanner reports
Insurers' spend on EU lobbying rises 50%
25 August 2016Bill for 2015 tops €7m
PRA letters confirm transitional recalculation approvals
19 August 2016Published in the FCA financial services register in the last week