
  • Categorising unit-linked business can cause IFRS 17 challenges

    19 March 2024

    Insights from InsuranceERM's IFRS 17 and financial reporting conference

  • IFRS 17 Conference 2024: early bird ends on Friday

    12 February 2024

    The early bird for InsuranceERM's 'The Future of Financial Reporting for Insurers: IFRS 17 and Beyond' will end this Friday, so register now to save 20%. InsuranceERM subscribers receive a further 40% discount.

  • Storebrand's insurance business hit by higher disability and P&C claims

    07 February 2024

    Norwegian group raises prices to restore profitability

  • Finance sector partially excluded from EU's sustainability due diligence rules

    15 December 2023

    Transition plans still a requirement following CSDDD agreement

  • IFRS 17: still waiting for disclosures

    04 August 2022

    The IFRS 17 accounting standard is due to be implemented in five months' time, but many insurers are leaving it until the eleventh hour to reveal what impact the transition will have on their financial metrics. Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • Seven re/insurers to join UN's Net-Zero Insurance Alliance

    21 April 2021

    Environmentalists request immediate change to fossil fuels for NZIA project to be credible

  • Natcat risk pool limits Storebrand's landslide losses

    10 February 2021

    Norwegian insurer reports double-digit rise in premiums during 2020

  • Reserving for disability claims dents Q1 result at Storebrand

    30 April 2020

    Group scraps dividend and hikes prices to soften impact

  • Storebrand profits dip despite savings growth

    12 February 2020

    Higher claims on disability and critical illness products hit insurance segment

  • Storebrand's capital release plans await clarity on Solvency II review

    25 October 2019

    Optimisation of lapse risk reinsurance programme boosts solvency ratio